Dallas CBT provides specialized therapy to overcome the destructive thought and behavior patterns that contribute to disordered eating and body image. It is not uncommon, unfortunately, in our current society to develop unhealthy relationships with food and one’s body. These issues seem to be occurring at earlier ages, affecting some children even before adolescence. Eating and body image concerns deserve prompt attention, as they can develop into very serious health and psychological concerns.
Problems with eating and body image can take many different forms, including a preoccupation with and strong negative feelings about eating, weight, and bodily appearance. Spending a significant amount of time and energy thinking about food and one’s body could be a precursor to eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.
Potential Signs of an Eating Disorder
- Preoccupation with eating and weight
- Intense negative feelings about one’s body
- Abnormal eating patterns, including restrictive eating or overeating
- Lack of control over eating
- Low, unhealthy body weight
- Purging behaviors (e.g., vomiting, excessive exercise, inappropriate use of medications to “cancel out” overeating)
CBT for eating concerns, including anorexia and bulimia, is the leading evidence-based approach to changing thought and behavior patterns contributing to unhealthy body image and relationships to food. Treatment involves goal setting, education, skills building, developing healthier thinking and behavior patterns, symptom reduction, and relapse prevention. This treatment tends to be longer-term than traditional CBT programs; typical programs consist of regular sessions across several months.