High quality CBT treatment is now available online. Dallas CBT is happy to offer online therapy services, also known as tele-psychology, to Texas residents. Depending on where you live, it might be hard to find a therapist specializing in cognitive behavioral and exposure therapy for anxiety or obsessive compulsive disorders. Online therapy is an innovative way to increase access to high-quality treatment regardless of geographic location, offer more choices in treatment providers, and decrease burdensome travel requirements. Research in this area indicates that online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy across children, adolescents, and adults. Dallas CBT is proud to provide these new and innovative options to give more people access to effective treatment.
It should be noted, however, that online therapy is not appropriate for all clients. When a client’s symptoms require a more intensive level of care, online therapy may not be the most appropriate avenue for treatment. Please contact Dallas CBT to determine whether our online therapy services may be right for you.
How does online therapy work?
If you have ever used Skype or FaceTime, or participated in video or teleconferencing, you will find online therapy quickly familiar. Online therapy sessions are conducted through video-conferencing services, such as Skype and FaceTime, and require that you have access to the internet and preferably a comfortable, private location with limited distraction. Aside from this, the content of therapy sessions is virtually the same as face-to-face sessions with Dallas CBT psychologists.