Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety, panic disorder, health anxiety, and others, are among the most common psychological issues people face. Fortunately, the therapies for anxiety have proven to be extremely effective and can be more successful than medications alone.

OCD & Related Disorders

OCD, trichotillomania (hair pulling), and excoriation (skin picking) make up a category of psychological problems that can involve stressful preoccupations and a strong urge to perform certain behaviors. Our treatment approach to these concerns include Exposure and Response Prevention (for OCD) and behavior modification therapy.


Depression and mood problems are common but potentially serious issues, and can affect all ages. Research shows that CBT is among the most effective treatments for depression and can help change long-standing patterns that contribute to a low mood.

Child Behavior Problems

Remediating childhood behavioral problems early is important as these can impact important developmental and social trajectories. Our therapy approach emphasizes hands-on learning and skills training with both the child and the parents.

Trauma & PTSD

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder results from experiencing life-threatening or traumatic events followed by recurring thoughts, anxiety, and avoidance related to that event. Our exposure-focused treatments involve a systematic approach to processing and reducing distress related to the trauma.

Eating & Body Image Concerns

CBT is the leading treatment for negative body image and problematic eating patterns, including restrictive eating, binging, and purging. CBT works to change unhelpful relationships with food and body image and harmful behaviors that can lead to other serious health or psychological problems.

Learn more about Anxiety disorders we treat:
  • Social Anxiety Disorder